Sussex Recovery College

Online - Understanding Medication for Depression Workshop

Yve C.
Tor M.
Amber-Louise B.

Course Description

This free workshop will give a brief overview of the commonly prescribed medications for low mood, how they work and what the side effects are. Students will be encouraged to ask any questions they have regarding their medications and share their experiences of taking medications

This course is aimed at:

Aimed at anyone who is interested in finding out more about medication based treatments for depression.

Course structure

One-off 2 hour Workshop online via Zoom.

Learning Outcomes

Students will:
Name at least 1 main type of medication for managing low mood.
List 3 common side effects of antidepressant medication.
Apply the information learned to have empowered conversations about medication

Register your interest

Register your interest for this course starting on the 15 Jul 2024. Register your interest Add to basket
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