Sussex Recovery College

Online - ADHD: An Introduction to Adult ADHD

Tor M.
Isabella M.
Krista E.

Course Description

This course is aimed at those who identify with and experience living with ADHD, regardless of diagnosis. It is also for those who live with, love or support anyone who identifies as having ADHD.

We aim to offer a starting point to explore what ADHD is, what the realities of living with ADHD are, and learning how to manage this in our everyday lives.

This course is aimed at:

This course is aimed at those who identify with and experience living with ADHD, regardless of diagnosis. 

Supporters and carers are also welcome to apply.

Course structure

4 weekly online sessions.

Learning Outcomes

Students will:
- To describe what ADHD is and how it can impact a person.
- To learn about co-occurring mental & physical health symptoms.
- To explore strategies to manage ADHD daily life.

Register your interest

Register your interest for this course starting on the 11 Nov 2024. Register your interest Add to basket
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