Sussex Recovery College

Online - Writing for Self-Expression

Philip W.
Tor M.

Course Description

<p>Expressive writing is a form of self-expression that helps a person to think about their experiences and put their thoughts and feelings into words. These workshops will offer you an opportunity to reflect and write in a safe, friendly and confidential atmosphere that fosters personal awareness and wellbeing.</p><p>It doesn’t matter whether or not you’re used to writing, the exercises and conversation will help you to write about your life and experiences; from a few lines to a story, from a list to a poem, from all the things you’ve missed over the past couple of years, to all the things you’ve gained.</p><p>At each session, the facilitator (a professional writer) will read aloud a short piece of published writing (poetry or prose) and invite you to talk about how the words impact on you. Short writing prompts and exercises will then be offered to help you write about your own experiences, thoughts and feelings.</p><p>&nbsp;</p>

This course is aimed at:

<p>Anyone with moderate to severe mental health challenges.&nbsp;Supporters, carers and staff are also welcome to apply.</p>

Course structure

<p>Weekly online sessions for up to 4 weeks.</p>

Learning Outcomes

Students will:
Understand how language and written communication impact on self and others.
Develop skills in making life-meanings.
Create new and purposeful connections within and across communities be they communities of location or communities of interest.

Register your interest

Register your interest for this course starting on the 31 Jan 2025. Register your interest Add to basket
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